12 Feb 2023




Considering the importance of sustainability in businesses, MCA launched Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines in 2009. This voluntary CSR Policy addresses six core elements – Care for all Stakeholders, Ethical functioning, Respect for Workers’ Rights and Welfare, Respect for Human Rights, Respect for Environment and Activities for Social and Inclusive Development. To take this further, in 2011 MCA issued ‘National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economical Responsibilities of Business’ which encourages reporting on environment, social and governance issues.

 In line with the National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business and considering the larger interest of public disclosure regarding steps taken by listed entities from a Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) perspective, SEBI decided to mandate inclusion of Business Responsibility Reports (“BRR reports”) as part of the Annual Reports for listed entities.

SEBI in its (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 has mandated the requirement of submission of BRR for top 1000 listed entities describing initiative taken by them from an environmental, social and governance perspective in the prescribed format [Regulation 34(2)(f)].

- What is Regulation 34(2)(f) of SEBI(LODR)Regulation,2015 ?

34(2)The annual report shall contain the following:


(f) for the top one thousand listed entities based on market capitalization (calculated as on March 31 of every financial year), business responsibility report describing the initiatives taken by them from an environmental, social and governance perspective, in the format as specified by the Board from time to time

Provided that listed entities other than top one thousand listed companies based on market capitalization and listed entities which have listed their specified securities on SME Exchange, may include these business responsibility reports on a voluntary basis in the format as specified


In terms of amendment to regulation 34 (2) (f) of LODR Regulations vide Gazette notification no. SEBI/LADNRO/GN/2021/22 dated May 05, 2021, it has now been decided to introduce new reporting requirements on ESG parameters called the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR). The BRSR is accompanied with a guidance note to enable the companies to interpret the scope of disclosures. The format of the BRSR and the guidance note are detailed in Annexure I and Annexure II respectively

- SEBI New Circular on Sustainability Reporting compliance ?

SEBI vide its circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD-2/P/CIR/2012/562 dated 10th May, 2021 issued a circular on Business responsibility and sustainability reporting by listed entities. The circular states that:

  1.  In recent times, adapting to and mitigating climate change impact, inclusive growth and transitioning to a sustainable economy have emerged as major issues globally. There is an increased focus of investors and other stakeholders seeking businesses to be responsible and sustainable towards the environment and society. Thus, reporting of company’s performance on sustainability related factors has become as vital as reporting on financial and operational performance.
  2.  SEBI vide Circular no. CIR/CFD/CMD/10/2015 dated November 04, 2015 has prescribed the format for the Business Responsibility Report (BRR) in respect of reporting on ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) parameters by listed entities.
  3. In terms of amendment to regulation 34 (2) (f) of LODR Regulations vide Gazette notification no. SEBI/LADNRO/GN/2021/22 dated May 05, 2021, it has now been decided to introduce new reporting requirements on ESG parameters called the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR). The BRSR is accompanied with a guidance note to enable the companies to interpret the scope of disclosures. The format of the BRSR and the guidance note are detailed in Annexure I and Annexure II respectively.
  4. The BRSR seeks disclosures from listed entities on their performance against the nine principles of the ‘National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct’ (NGBRCs) and reporting under each principle is divided into essential and leadership indicators. The essential indicators are required to be reported on a mandatory basis while the reporting of leadership indicators is on a voluntary basis. Listed entities should endeavor to report the leadership indicator also.
  5. The BRSR is intended towards having quantitative and standardized disclosures on ESG parameters to enable comparability across companies, sectors and time. Such disclosures will be helpful for investors to make better investment decisions. The BRSR shall also enable companies to engage more meaningfully with their stakeholders, by encouraging them to look beyond financial and towards social and environmental impacts..
  6. The listed entities already preparing and disclosing sustainability reports based on internationally accepted reporting frameworks (such as GRI, SASB, TCFD or Integrated Reporting) may cross-reference the disclosures made under such framework to the disclosures sought under the BRSR.
  7. Applicability
  8.  In terms of the aforesaid amendment, with effect from the financial year 2022-2023, filing of BRSR shall be mandatory for the top 1000 listed companies (by market capitalization) and shall replace the existing BRR. Filing of BRSR is voluntary for the financial year 2021-22.

  9. The Stock Exchanges are advised to bring the provisions of this circular to the notice of all listed entities and also disseminate the same on their websites.

  10. The Circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 101 of the LODR.


Article Compiled by:-

Mayank Garg

+91 9582627751


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to avoid errors or omissions in this material in spite of this, errors may creep in. Any mistake, error or discrepancy noted may be brought to our notice which shall be taken care of in the next edition In no event the author shall be liable for any direct indirect, special or incidental damage resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the use of this information Many sources have been considered including newspapers , charted secretary etc.