26 Jul 2024



M/S. Standard Glass Lining Technology Limited v/s Registrar of Companies, Telangana, Hyderabad


  • Parties Involved:
    • Plaintiff: M/s. Standard Glass Lining Technology Limited
    • Defendant: Registrar of Companies, Telangana, Hyderabad
  • Issue: Non-compliance with Section 203(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, pertaining to the mandatory appointment of a company secretary.

Timeline of Events

  1. April 30, 2014: The paid-up capital of M/s. Standard Glass Lining Technology Limited exceeded Rs. 5 crore.
  2. October 31, 2014: Deadline for the company to appoint a company secretary as per Section 203(1) of the Companies Act, 2013.
  3. October 1, 2021: The company appointed a company secretary, resulting in a non-compliance period of nearly 7 years.

Details of Non-Compliance

  • Statutory Requirement: Section 203(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, mandates the appointment of a company secretary for companies with a paid-up capital exceeding Rs. 5 crore.
  • Delay: Despite the company's initial attempts to comply, the appointment was delayed by almost 7 years, from the stipulated deadline of October 31, 2014, to October 1, 2021.

Justification and Efforts

  • Company's Position:
    • The company acknowledged the delay and cited efforts made to appoint a company secretary.
    • However, these efforts were deemed insufficient to meet the regulatory deadline.
  • Impact: The delay in appointment not only attracted legal penalties but also indicated shortcomings in the company's governance and commitment to regulatory compliance.

Adjudication Order by Registrar of Companies

  • Penalties Imposed:
    • Company: Rs. 5 lakh
    • Officers: Rs. 5 lakh each on the following individuals:
      • Managing Director: Mr. Nageswara Rao Kandula
      • Directors: Mr. Punna Rao Kudaravalli, Mrs. Krishna Veni Kandula, Mrs. Katragadda Venkata Ramani, Mr. Suryadevara Venkateswara Rao
      • Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Anjaneyulu Pathuri
  • Basis for Penalties: The penalties reflect the daily continuing contravention of Rs. 1000 per day for each officer from November 1, 2014, until October 1, 2021.
  • Payment Deadline: The total penalties must be paid online within 90 days, with proof of payment to be submitted to the Registrar's office.

Right to Appeal

  • Appeal Process: The company can appeal the decision within 60 days from the receipt of the order.
  • Appeal Authority: Appeals can be filed with the Regional Director (SER), Ministry of Corporate Affairs, in Hyderabad.
  • Significance: The appeal process ensures procedural fairness, allowing the company to contest the decision and seek redressal.

Broader Implications

  • Compliance Enforcement: The case underscores the strict enforcement of compliance requirements under the Companies Act, 2013.
  • Corporate Governance: It highlights the importance of adhering to statutory obligations to avoid substantial penalties and maintain robust corporate governance.
  • Financial and Operational Impact:
    • The company's significant revenue and profits, as revealed by the MCA-21 portal, emphasize the need for strong compliance frameworks.
    • The paid-up capital of Rs. 1,81,63,45,200 positions the company prominently within its industry, attracting additional scrutiny and the expectation of exemplary governance standards.


  • Cautionary Tale: The Registrar's order serves as a cautionary tale for other corporations about the critical need to comply promptly with statutory provisions to avoid punitive actions.
  • Regulatory Rigor: The case illustrates the regulatory rigor of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in enforcing compliance, reinforcing the overarching objective of maintaining corporate governance standards.
  • Corporate Responsibility: It is a stark reminder that compliance is not merely a legal formality but a fundamental aspect of corporate responsibility and governance.

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Article Compiled by:-

~Neel Lakhtariya 

+91 9582627751

(LegalMantra.net Team)

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to avoid errors or omissions in this material in spite of this, errors may creep in. Any mistake, error or discrepancy noted may be brought to our notice which shall be taken care of in the next edition In no event the author shall be liable for any direct indirect, special or incidental damage resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the use of this information Many sources have been considered including Newspapers, Journals, Bare Acts, Case Materials , Charted Secretary, Research Papers etc.