Paying your taxes is a good thing, although it does pinch to pay huge amounts in taxes from your hard earned money. Therefore, citizens sometimes resort to unfair means to not disclose all the income and pay lower taxes. The income tax authorities have the powers to assess or reassess your income if they are of the view that any of your income has escaped assessment. In this article, we discuss in detail about section 148 of Income Tax Act.
What is section 148?
Section 148 of the Income Tax Act deals with the issuance of a notice wherein any income has escaped recomputation or assessment. Assessing Officer has a power to issue notice under section 148 of income tax act wherein any income has been escaped from being taxed which is subject to the provisions of Sec 147 to Sec 153. Notice u/s 148 gives a power to the A.O. to assess or reassess the Income which comes into notice before and during the assessment.
Reasons for getting the Notice u/s 148 of Income Tax Act
You can get notice u/s 148 if the assessing officer has a reason to believe that your income which was chargeable to tax has escaped assessment. If he has materials to support his belief, he will record his reasons in writing and send you a notice u/s 148. The AO cannot simply change his mind and decide to re-investigate your case without any valid reason.
If you have disclosed correct information and documents during the original assessment, the AO cannot send you a notice for the reassessment of the same documents. Some new documents / facts which indicate that income has escaped assessment must come into light. If some new information comes to light which shows that you have concealed some income, then he can take action against you under section 147 and 148.
Who is authorized to issue notice u/s 148 of Income Tax Act?
If your case has been chosen for reassessment u/s 147, then an AO who holds the rank of Assistant Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner or higher can only send you a notice unless the reasons recorded by AO are found fit by Joint Commissioner for the issue of notice.
If the notice u/s 148 is to be sent after the expiry of 4 years or 6 years as the case maybe from the end of the relevant assessment year, then it should be sent only after due approvals from Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or Principal Commissioner or Commissioner.
Time Frame Provided for The Issuance of Notice to an Assessee Under Section 148:
Duties and Rights of the Assessee Following the Receipt of Notice under Section 148
Should an assessee be issued a notice by an Assessing Officer for the evasion of taxable income assessment then the assessee is duty bound to carry out the following: